Carbon Offset Calculators:

Average CO2e (Kg) offset: 0

How many incandescent light bulbs will you switch for LED's?

How many years will you use them?

How many years will you be vegetarian?

How many years will you drive an electric car?

How many years will you be using electric heating?

How many years will you be using renewable energy?

How many years will you only buy thrifted/used clothing?

Carbon Offset Charities:

Grassroots leaders create equitable and climate resilient solutions — for 100% of people.

The Solutions Project envisions a world that is driven by purpose. One that combines and amplifies radical ideas and hard work from those whose voices typically might go unheard.

Take Action to Save the Rainforests Now.

The Coalition for Rainforest Nations seek responsible stewardship of the World's last great rainforests through innovative strategies which integrate social, economic and scientific rationales to achieve environmental and social sustainability.

Reduce What You Can, Offset What You Can't. is leading the fight against climate change, making it easy and affordable for any individual, business or organization to reduce & offset their climate impact and hasten the transition to a clean energy future.